
between us

option came by
which way now
should i pass by
or stop now

lost in the middle
seeking the ample
road to walk me there
to the very end,where?

i take the rough
part where make me tough
i take the confused
to teach me how to fused

this is a hard life
why did i take it?
because this is my life
road that i take it

make the difference between us.

Hurm..i knew it.
my latest poem end up to be jelek.
sorry ... not being writing these kind of stuff for a long time.
so this is my latest writing. hope you can comment on it.


  1. NICE.At least, you could write a poem out of the blue.

  2. humphhh~T.T
    nway ne pic tgn wif emoticon yg kt nk buat?

  3. Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.

    poem 4 baris..


    bleh tak mau buat poem tetang MOON..
    not about me.. but about MOON
